2017 MAP Conference | Crohn’s Disease, MAP and the Kingdom of Bahrain

by Dr. David Y. Graham

Dr. Graham is a gastroenterologist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Here, he details a long term study conducted on Crohn’s disease incidence in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Over time, the rate of Crohn’s disease increased significantly from 4.8 cases per 100,000 to 8.0 cases per 100,000. PCR (IS900 series) testing for MAP DNA in Crohn’s patients revealed that 76.7% were positive after 1 test, but when the researchers repeated the test up to 4 times, 100% of the Crohn’s patients eventually tested positive for MAP DNA. Imported beef and dairy may provide an explanation for the increase in disease. A Q&A session follows the presentation.