Next Stop on the MAP: Berkeley, California!

Next Stop on the MAP: Berkeley, California!

Next Stop on the MAP: Berkeley, California!

Human Para is pleased to announce our 2018 Conference: Mycobacterial Implications in Crohn’s and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. On September 21 & 22, 2018, a group of dedicated researchers will bring their experience and expertise to Berkeley, California for a two-day conference. Featuring presenters and experts from across the globe, this conference has been specifically designed to explore the role that mycobacteria, particularly Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis (MAP), may play in Crohn’s disease, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other chronic conditions.

Friday, September 21st will be open to the general public and health care professions. Presentations from mycobacterial experts around world will discuss the latest developments in the field.

On Saturday, September 22nd, entry will be limited to doctors, researchers and health care professionals. An update on the Joint MAP Testing Study will begin the day, followed by panel discussions, and a think tank style working session.

Lunch will be provided each day at no additional cost. Net proceeds will support high quality, innovative mycobacterial research and education.

For Registration, Travel Arrangements, Abstract Submission or more information, please visit the Conference Home Page.