
John Aitken – Get Your Child A Microscope!

MicroscopeParents of children sometimes get strange requests for birthday or festive presents. My obsession at the age of ten was to have a microscope. (I wanted to look at a fly’s eye!) Even today, one of my questions to prospective job candidates is: “Did your parents ever give you a microscope as a present when you were a kid?” By following rational and scientific methodology in 1882, Robert Koch announced the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the world.

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Dr. William Chamberlin – FepiBro

A team out of New Zealand has discovered Ziehl-Neelsen positive bacteria in blood cells of dendritic cell and macrophage lineage. The importance of finding a Ziehl-Neelsen positive unidentified bacterial species inside circulating macrophages is under investigation. Logic suggests that therapies that enhance innate immunity, regulate immune signaling and control ineffective inflammation will restore immune efficacy so that a patient’s immune system can effectively handle a chronic intracellular microbial disease. Formulated EpiBro (or FepiBro) possesses the above qualities.

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Dr. Michael Collins – The MAP Infection | An Introduction

Introductory SlideCrohn’s disease is a foodborne zoonotic bacterial infection caused by a pathogen known as MAP. This bold concept is moving from theory to reality. An international research symposium being held August 16 in Deerfield, Illinois will bring to light this new idea as to what causes Crohn’s disease, an idea that offers a path to complete cure.

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John Aitken – The Circus Comes to Town

Asian ElephantA zoonosis is defined as an infectious disease transferred between humans and animals. Salmonella and campylobacter spring to mind. They are the tip of the iceberg. Influenza, the 20th century serial killer, and HIV are more compelling examples of zoonoses. HIV and influenza crossed over the border with catastrophic consequences for humanity.

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