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Crohn’s Disease and MAP: Patrick McLean

Patrick Mclean symposiumPatrick McLean discusses the research surrounding MAP and it’s relationship to Crohn’s disease. He presents study results that provide strong evidence that MAP may be a causative agent in Crohn’s disease.

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Dr. Amy Hermon-Taylor: MAP Diagnostics

Dr Amy Hermon-Taylor at the Crohn's disease SymposiumDr. Amy Hermon-Taylor discusses the need for a specific diagnostic process to isolate the MAP infection in patients with Crohn’s disease. Without a specific, fast and reliable diagnostic process or procedure, MAP will continue to be an unconfirmed causative agent in Crohn’s disease.  If it can’t be measured, it can’t be controlled.

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John Aitken: The Microbiology of MAP

John Aitken, a laboratory scientist from New Zealand, discusses Mycobacterium avium ssp paratuberculosis from a microbiological perspective. Find out what we know about this organism and how it behaves. See never before released photos of the organism, learn why Mr. Aitken calls this “Son of MAP” and how his research will help Crohn’s disease patients.

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Dr. William Chamberlin: EpiBro and Crohn’s Disease

Dr. William Chamberlin discusses the dysfunctional immune response of Crohn’s disease patients and a new treatment that is in development to remedy this genetic malady. EpiBro is a synthetic steroid, and it attempts to fix the dysfunction in Crohn’s disease by enhancing the innate immune response. Dr. Chamberlin terms it “Prednisone without the side effects.” Hear the story of how this drug, initially developed to treat AIDS infections, could now be utilized to help Crohn’s disease patients as well.

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Dr. Amy Hermon-Taylor: The MAP Vaccine

Dr. Amy Hermon-Taylor talks about the MAP Vaccine that her father’s lab is developing.  She gives a clear explanation of how the vaccine will work to treat Crohn’s disease patients and discusses the timeframe and steps required for approval. Includes engaging questions from the audience!