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Berkeley Conference in September: Updates and Registration
06 Aug 2018

Berkeley Conference in September: Updates and Registration

Have you reserved your spot for the Human Para Conference, Mycobacterial Implications in Crohn’s and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, coming to Berkeley, CA on September 21st & 22nd? It’s not too late! Registration closes a week prior to the event, and a detailed agenda, abstracts and updated registration information have recently been added to the conference pages. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that portions of this activity have been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM.

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2017 Annual Report
04 Aug 2018

2017 Annual Report

The 2017 Human Paratuberculosis Foundation annual report is now available. Read about our first year in review, including a financial update.

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Joint MAP Testing Study Comes to NYC
19 Jul 2018

Joint MAP Testing Study Comes to NYC

Two new dates have been added to the Joint MAP Testing Study! Dr. Stuart Weg and Dr. J. Todd Kuenstner will draw the final 45 samples needed to complete Human Para’s inaugural MAP research project in August. If you are over the age of 18 and live in the New York City area, please consider participating in our study, either as a Crohn’s disease patient or a healthy control. We are seeking 15 Crohn’s patients and 30 healthy control subjects to donate a small amount of blood.

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Why the Controversy? The Untold Story of MAP and Human Health
16 Jul 2018

Why the Controversy? The Untold Story of MAP and Human Health

Several years ago, Dr. Roderick Chiodini was asked to write a chapter for a book detailing his experiences. Dr. Chiodini is the microbiologist that originally cultured MAP from a 12 year old girl with Crohn’s Disease. He went on to found the International Association of Paratuberculosis and was the leading figure during the 1980’s and 1990’s. The book was never published. The following draft is his story.

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The long road to the development of a peptide-based vaccine for Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis.
04 Jul 2018

The long road to the development of a peptide-based vaccine for Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis.

The recently published article describing the discovery of a MAP mutation that may lead to the development of a MAP vaccine for both animals and humans was received by our community with great interest. One of the researchers, Dr. William C. Davis, has provided Human Para with a summary of this highly technical article. A huge thanks to Dr. Davis and his colleagues for this piece, and for their contribution to MAP science.

Read the Article


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The MAP Gap Newsletter | July 2018
02 Jul 2018

The MAP Gap Newsletter | July 2018

Human Paratuberculosis Foundation is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date information in our field to assist patients around the world in making informed decisions about their treatment. We are grateful for the support of this community and look forward to taking this journey together. Read all the latest news and research about Mycobacterium avium subsp.paratuberculosis (MAP) and the treatment of Crohn’s and other diseases using AMAT and other therapies. Enjoy!

Read the Newsletter