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10 Mar 2016

Gilles R. G. Monif, M.D. | How MAP Becomes Crohn’s Disease

DairyAny claim for causation of Crohn’s disease must address four key issues:

  1. Why the sudden onset of disease in the twentieth century;
  2. Why its epidemic spread;
  3. Why limited sites of involvement within the gastrointestinal tract; and
  4. Why the significant variability with respect to the age of onset.
Dr. Monif addresses these questions and more in this opinion piece published with permission of The International Association for Paratuberculosis.

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08 Mar 2016

John Aitken | Endophytes

LeavesIn the plant world, endophytes exist within plants to perform essential functions in the plant – stimulation of plant immunity, competitive inhibition (making sure there is no room left for an invader) and production of chemicals capable of killing other bacteria (antibiotics). This is a process called “symbiosis.” Symbiosis occurs when two organisms co-exist and one, or both, organisms benefit from the relationship. In plants, endophytes have evolved to be part of the growth mechanisms of the plant. They are found in the roots and in the leaves. What has this to do with Crohn’s disease?

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17 Feb 2016

Gilles R. G. Monif, M.D. | Understanding Crohn’s Disease

DairyA governing principle within the doctrines of international law on food safety is reflected in the words “The importance of the precautionary measures should not be played down on the grounds that the risk is not proven.” The collateral damage from not adhering to the precautionary principle is partially reflected in the numbers. In 1998, the number of Crohn’s disease afflicted individuals numbered 358,000. In 2006, this number was 560,000. In 2010, it was an estimated 800,000. In 2015, crude estimates place the figure above a million. The 2015 expanded Hruska Postulate states that Crohn’s disease is the interaction of two immune responses to MAP occurring in different time frames. Learn more about these two immune responses and welcome our newest presenter, Gilles R. G. Monif, M.D.

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13 Feb 2016

For Clinicians

Pic ChamberlinI was recently contacted by a physician with over 25 years of experience in designing and interpreting clinical trials who wanted to find out more about the role of mycobacteria in chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The following comments are quite interesting and should be reviewed by any physician remotely interested in advancing our understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of Crohn’s disease. The conclusion is that there were major flaws in the design of the trial. Both sides can learn from this analysis.  Following the Selby Study analysis, an AMAT protocol is detailed for any clinician wishing to consider this therapy for Crohn’s disease.

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06 Feb 2016

Crohn’s Disease Patient Raising Awareness of his Invisible Disease

Ste2Many of you may have seen the viral Facebook post by Ste Walker, a young man who detailed his battle with Crohn’s disease and the public perception of this illness. Rather than give up, Ste has courageously started a new campaign to bring awareness to the plight of Crohn’s disease patients around the world. Read on to learn more about Ste’s fight against Crohn’s and his #SickButInvisible Campaign.

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